How to Get Your Veiled Chameleon to Like You?

If you’re thinking about getting a veiled chameleon, congratulations! These amazing creatures make wonderful pets. But before you bring your new chameleon home, there are a few things you should know about how to get your veiled chameleon to like you.

First, it’s important to understand that veiled chameleons are naturally shy and reclusive animals. They’re not going to be the type of pet that will want to snuggle up with you on the couch or play fetch in the backyard. That doesn’t mean they don’t have personality; veiled chameleons can be quite comical and entertaining to watch as they go about their daily lives.

One of the best ways to win your veiled chameleon’s affection is simply by giving them plenty of space and time to adjust to their new environment. When you first bring them home, put them in their enclosure and let them explore at their own pace. Don’t try to handle them or force them into interacting with you; this will only stress them out and make them less likely to bond with you over time.

Veiled chameleons also love fresh fruits and vegetables, so another great way to win your new pet’s heart is by offering them treats that they enjoy eating. Many veil owners find that their pets start coming out of their shells when they realize they’re being offered tasty food rewards for being friendly!

So if you’re wondering how to get your veiled chameleon to like you, just give them some time and space, offer them delicious food rewards, and enjoy watching these fascinating creatures as they slowly open up and start showing their personality!

***We have a shortened version (TL;DR) of the bottom of this post if you just want quick facts***

gecko lizard transition

Why Veiled Chameleons Are Great Pets

Veiled chameleons are great pets for several reasons. They’re low-maintenance, they don’t require a lot of space, and are generally very easy to care for. But one of the best things about veiled chameleons is that they’re amazing at camouflage.

This ability to blend in with their surroundings means that you can have a lot of fun watching your veiled chameleon change colors as it moves around its enclosure. It’s also useful if you ever need to take your chameleon out in public, as it will be much less likely to be noticed (and escape!).

So how do you get your veiled chameleon to like you? The key is patience and understanding. Veiled chameleons can be shy and reclusive, so it’s important not to try and force them into social interactions. 

Instead, give them time to adjust to their new environment and get used to your presence. Once they feel comfortable around you, they’ll start to show their personality and may even come out to greet you when you enter the room!

How to Pick the Right Veiled Chameleon

First, veiled chameleons are not social animals. They don’t like being handled, and they certainly don’t like being around other people or animals. So if you’re looking for a pet that you can take out in public or cuddle with on the couch, a veiled chameleon is not the right choice for you.

Second, veiled chameleons are very delicate creatures. They need special care and attention to stay healthy and happy. If you’re not prepared to provide them with the care they need, then again, a veiled chameleon is not the right choice for you.

Third, and this is probably the most important point: picking the right veiled chameleon is crucial. You see, each individual veiled chameleon has its own personality. 

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Some are more outgoing and curious than others; some are more skittish and reserved; some are friendly and easy-going; some are aggressive and territorial. There is no way to predict how any particular individual will behave until you get to know it better.

Which brings us to our fourth point, when choosing a veiled chameleon, it’s important that you take your time to get to know each individual animal before making your decision. Talk to the staff at the pet store (or breeder) about each animal’s personality; spend some time observing them yourself; ask questions about their feeding habits, housing requirements, health history etc. and only when you’re absolutely sure that you’ve found the right one should you make your purchase.

Fifth, chameleons come from different places, so knowing what kind of climate they come from helps too. For example, if you’re from new york city, buying a lizard from California might not be such as a good idea because of different climates, but if both parties have knowledge of these creatures, then go ahead.

gecko lizard transition

How to Care For Your Veiled Chameleon

There are a few things you need to know about how to care for your new friend.

Veiled chameleons are native to the tropical forests of Yemen and Saudi Arabia. This means that they need a warm, humid environment to thrive. In their natural habitat, they would spend most of their time in the trees, so it’s important to provide them with plenty of vertical space in their enclosure. A tall cage with lots of branches and leaves is ideal.

Veiled chameleons are also solitary creatures, so it’s best not to house more than one together. They can be quite territorial and may even fight if they feel like their territory is being encroached upon.

When it comes to feeding your veiled chameleon, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First of all, these lizards are insectivores, so their diet should consist mainly of insects. 

You can buy live insects at your local pet store or online. Just be sure that the insects you’re giving them are appropriately sized for them to eat (they shouldn’t be too big or too small).

In addition, to live insects, you can also offer your veiled chameleon some chopped vegetables as part of their diet. Just be sure that the vegetables you’re giving them are properly cooked and cut into small pieces so they can easily digest them.

Finally, it’s important to provide your veiled chameleon with a source of fresh water at all times. A drip system is the best way to do this because it simulates their natural environment and helps keep the humidity levels high enough for them to stay healthy.

Learning to Bond and hold your Chameleon properly will make the whole experience better

How to Bond With Your Veiled Chameleon

They’re not exactly known for being the cuddliest of animals. 

But that doesn’t mean that you can’t bond with your veiled chameleon. You can develop a close relationship with your reptilian friend with a little patience and effort. Here are some tips on how to get your veiled chameleon to like you:

  1. Give them time to adjust: When you first bring your veiled chameleon home, give them some time to adjust to their new surroundings. Don’t try to force any interactions during this period. Just let them be and get used to their new home at their own pace.
  2. Handle them carefully and frequently: Once your chameleon has had a chance to settle in, start handling them frequently but gently. This will help them get used to your presence and touch. Be sure not to hold them too tightly or roughly, as they could become stressed or even injured.
  3. Offer food rewards: Many veileds enjoy eating insects, so one way to bond with yours is by offering food rewards when they display good behavior (such as when they allow you to handle them). Just don’t overdo it – too many treats could lead to obesity!
  4. Talk (or sing) softly to them: Another way to build trust with your veiled chameleon is by talking (or singing) softly to them on a regular basis. This will help create a positive association between your voice and their overall experience with you.
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How to Handle Your Veiled Chameleon

There is one thing you need to know about veiled chameleons: they can be quite shy and may take some time to warm up to you.

Hand-washing is always the best policy before and after handling your veiled chameleon, but sometimes you may need to wash your hands while you’re handling them. 

In this case, it’s best to use distilled water to avoid any potential reactions. When you’re ready to pick up your chameleon, cup them gently in your hand(s). Avoid putting any pressure on their ribs or leaving them dangling for too long, as this could cause them stress. 

Once you’ve got a good grip, support their body with your other hand so they don’t feel like they’re going to fall. Chameleons are delicate creatures, so handling them with care is important. If you follow these simple guidelines, you’ll be able to enjoy time with your chameleon safely.

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FAQs About Veiled Chameleons

Q: How do I get my veiled chameleon to like me?

A: The best way to get your veiled chameleon to like you is by being patient and spending time with him or her. Get to know your chameleon’s personality and what he or she likes and dislikes. Be sure to provide plenty of food, water, and hiding places. Once you’ve established a good relationship with your veiled chameleon, you’ll be able to enjoy each other’s company for many years to come!


If you are looking to get your veiled chameleon to like you, there are a few things that you can do. First, make sure that you provide it with plenty of hiding places. Chameleons like to feel safe and secure, so give it some places to hide away from the world. Secondly, be sure to offer it a variety of food items. Veiled chameleons are notoriously fussy eaters, so offering them a range of foods will help to keep them happy and healthy. Finally, take the time to handle your chameleon regularly. This will help to create a bond between the two of you and will make your chameleon more likely to trust and appreciate you.


Ok, so you’ve got a veiled chameleon, and you want it to like you. Here’s how: 

1) Make sure your enclosure is large enough for the chameleon to move around in but not too big. The bigger the enclosure, the less likely your chameleon is to feel comfortable. 

2) Provide plenty of climbing surfaces and objects to hide under. Chameleons like to be able to explore their surroundings and make themselves at home. 

3) Be patient – don’t force food or attention on your chameleon if it doesn’t seem interested right away. Sometimes they need time to warm up to new people and new situations.

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