Why Is My Ball Python Drooling?

If your ball python is drooling excessively, you may have a respiratory infection. In addition to drooling, this condition can also result in red gums, oral tissues, and even pus. In addition to drooling excessively, your pet may also begin to lose appetite and wheeze. If you notice any of these symptoms in your pet, you should seek veterinary attention for your ball python.

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Mouth rot

While the exact cause of ball Python drool is unknown, bacterial infections are more common in snakes than in humans. Mouth rot is a bacterial infection of the mouth that is caused by food left in the mouth or cuts.

When left untreated, the infection can progress to pneumonia. Although it is not contagious, it requires a veterinarian’s care and attention to diagnose and treat the condition.

Fortunately, it’s quite easy to diagnose this condition in snakes. Mouth rot in snakes is a common condition, but it’s not difficult to spot. If you notice that your snake has a large amount of drool and refuses to eat, it’s likely suffering from mouth rot.

Mouth rot is often accompanied by a cheese-like yellow pus in the soft tissues. Advanced cases can even cause the entire face to swell!


A ball python’s lethargy can be a sign of old age, but it can also be a symptom of a disease. When a ball python is sick, it shows little interest in food, but this can be a sign of an upper respiratory infection, which can cause severe breathing difficulties and lead to death.

A female ball python may go off food when she is laying eggs. Symptoms of this disease include open-mouthed breathing and a lack of appetite.

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If the feces are black or grey, this is indicative of an infection. If you notice green poop, it may indicate an infection and worth taking a trip to your Vet.

Loss of appetite

Although your pet may look content and healthy, this condition can be an indication of something wrong. For example, constant drooling can be a sign of a respiratory or gastrointestinal infection. If your snake has sores in the mouth or is constantly drooling, it could be suffering from a gastrointestinal infection.

A lack of appetite in a snake can be a sign of many diseases, from respiratory infections to parasites. Some snakes go off food temporarily, such as when a female is carrying eggs. A lack of appetite isn’t always a bad thing, it’s common when a snake’s internal clock signals that Winter is approaching.

The snake then undergoes a process called brumation, similar to hibernation in humans. The resulting inactivity can last several months, during which time it’s likely that your snake will be unable to consume any food. When breeding season is underway, your ball python will resume eating again.

Reddened oral tissue

Reddened oral tissue may indicate that the snake has a respiratory infection or gastrointestinal problem. In such cases, a vet should be contacted as soon as possible for proper treatment.

Mouth rot is a common condition in snakes and is often caused by food left in the mouth. It also occurs when a reptile has an infected cut in its mouth or a piece of food gets lodged in between its teeth. It is not contagious, but can lead to pneumonia if left untreated. Luckily, there are many ways to treat it, and the best treatment is to seek out a veterinarian if you suspect it is a problem.

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