Why Does My Tortoise Try to Eat Rocks? A Tortoise’s Curious Obsession

Do you have a tortoise? If so, you may have noticed that they love to eat rocks. Believe it or not, this is actually a fairly common behavior for tortoises. In this blog post, we will explore the reason why tortoises eat rocks and what you can do to prevent them.

Why Does My Tortoise Try to Eat Rocks?

Some people believe that tortoises eat rocks because they are trying to supplement their diet with something that is missing. Others believe that rocks help with digestive problems. Still, others think that the rocks provide some sort of nutritional value. And finally, some people believe that tortoises eat rocks because they are bored!

While it may seem strange to us, many tortoises actually enjoy eating rocks. In the wild, tortoises often consume gravel and sand to help them grind up their food. Some captive tortoises also develop a taste for rocks and will try to eat any small pebbles they can find. While there is no harm in this occasional indulgence, eating too many rocks can lead to digestive problems. The sharp edges of the rocks can damage the tortoise’s gut, and the indigestible materials can cause blockages. As a result, it is important to provide your tortoise with a diet that includes plenty of soft greens and avoid letting them eat too many rocks.

How do I stop my tortoise from eating rocks?

In order to prevent your tortoise from eating rocks, it is important to provide a diet that is rich in calcium and other nutrients. You can also offer your tortoise a variety of safe toys and items to chew on, such as straws, shells, or pieces of rawhide. It is also important to regularly inspect your tortoise’s enclosure for any small rocks or gravel that could be swallowed. By taking these precautions, you can help ensure that your tortoise stays healthy and happy.

Do tortoises like rocks?

Tortoises are a type of reptile that is closely related to tortoises. They are land-dwelling creatures that are found in warm climates all over the world. Tortoises are known for their hard, shells and their slow, deliberate movements. While most people think of tortoises as being sluggish animals, they can actually move quite quickly when they need to. In the wild, tortoises live in a variety of habitats, including deserts, grasslands, and rainforests.

One common feature of these habitats is the presence of rocks. So, do tortoises like rocks? It turns out that they do. Rocks provide a place for tortoises to hide from predators and escape the heat of the sun.

Can tortoise‘s choke on rocks?

As anyone who has kept tortoises as pets know, they are curious creatures that like to put everything in their mouths. This includes rocks, which can sometimes cause problems if the tortoises wallows one that is too large. While tortoise can safely ingest small pebbles and gravel, larger rocks can get stuck in their throats and cause them to choke. In some cases, the tortoise may be able to cough up the rock on its own.

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However, if the rock is lodged too tightly, it will need to be removed surgically. So, while tortoises generally don’t have any trouble digesting rocks, it’s important to be careful about what they’re swallowing to prevent choking.

Can tortoise‘s poop out rocks?

As any pet owner knows, tortoises can be quite messy creatures. They have a tendency to track mud and debris into their tanks, and they often leave behind a sizable mess when they defecate. So it’s not surprising that many people assume that tortoises must also poop out rocks. However, this is actually a myth. While it’s true that tortoises sometimes consume small rocks or gravel, their digestive systems are not designed to break these items down.

As a result, the rocks simply pass through the tortoise’s system and are expelled in their waste. So if you’re noticing rocks in your tortoise’s tank, there’s no need to worry, they’re probably just leftovers from a meal!

Do tortoises need rocks in their diet?

Contrary to popular belief, tortoises do not need rocks in their diet. In fact, feeding rocks to tortoises can actually be harmful, as they can cause digestive blockages. Tortoises derive all the nutrients they need from plants, so a diet of fresh vegetables and fruits should be sufficient.

However, some tortoise owners like to offer their pets a variety of different foods, and there is no harm in giving them the occasional treat of chopped meat or insects. As long as their diet is mainly plant-based, tortoises will stay healthy and happy without needing to eat rocks.

How can I tell if my tortoise is healthy?

One of the best ways to tell if your tortoise is healthy is to look at its shell. The shell should be hard and smooth, without any cracks or signs of damage. The color should be uniform, with no spots or blotches. In addition, you should check to see if the tortoise is active and alert.

It should be moving around regularly, and its eyes should be clear and bright. If you notice any changes in the appearance of the shell or the tortoise’s behavior, it’s a good idea to take it to a vet for a checkup. By keeping an eye on your tortoise’s health, you can help ensure that it has a long and happy life.


So, do tortoises like rocks? The answer is yes, tortoises do enjoy the taste of rocks and they can benefit from having them in their environment. However, it’s important to take precautions to make sure that your tortoise doesn’t swallow any rocks that could cause harm. By providing a healthy diet and keeping a close eye on your pet, you can ensure that your tortoise stays healthy and happy. Thanks for reading!

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reptiles are fun


What should I do if my tortoise swallows a rock?

If your tortoise swallows a rock, it is best to take them to the veterinarian as soon as possible. The rock may get lodged in their throat or digestive system and could cause serious health problems. While you are waiting for your appointment, keep an eye on your tortoise and make sure they are drinking and urinating normally. If they stop eating or drinking, seek veterinary help immediately.

Do rocks provide any nutrients to a tortoise?

No, rocks do not provide any nutrients to tortoises. Eating rocks can be harmful to their health as the rocks can get lodged in their throat or digestive system. Tortoises usually eat rocks because they are bored or curious and it is important to discourage this behavior to keep them healthy.

Can tortoises eat insects?

Yes, tortoises can eat insects. They should be eating a variety of different types of food in order to get the nutrients they need for their health. Insects are a good source of protein and other nutrients and can help keep your tortoise healthy. Just be sure to only give them insects that are safe for them to eat.

What should I do if my tortoise starts vomiting?

If your tortoise starts vomiting, the first thing you should do is call your veterinarian. There are many potential causes of tortoise vomiting, and some can be quite serious. Your veterinarian will be able to determine the cause of the vomiting and recommend the appropriate treatment. Some possible causes of tortoise vomiting include:

  • Dietary problems, such as eating something that disagrees with them or overeating
  • Infection or inflammation of the digestive system
  • Parasites
  • Tumors or other diseases of the digestive system
  • Poisoning

If your tortoise is vomiting regularly, there may be a more serious underlying problem and you should seek veterinary help as soon as possible. Vomiting can be a sign of a serious health problem and should not be ignored.

How to know if a tortoise has food poisoning?

Symptoms of food poisoning in tortoises can include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy
  • Inability to eat or drink
  • Dehydration

If you suspect that your tortoise may have food poisoning, it is important to get them veterinary help as soon as possible. Treatment will depend on the severity of the poisoning but may include fluids, antibiotics, and in some cases surgery.

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