White’s Tree Frogs: How Long Do They Live?

The lifespan of a White tree frog depends on various factors, including the species’ diet, water dish, and general care. The species requires a large water dish and is prone to obesity and other health problems in captivity. The lifespan of a White’s tree frog is about seven years. They have a nocturnal lifestyle and require a large water dish.

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White’s Tree Frogs Are Nocturnal

As its name implies, White’s tree frogs are active at night. This nocturnal frog is found throughout Australia, Papua New Guinea, and Indonesian West Papua. They are versatile and live in forests, woodlands, and caves. They breed seasonally in temporary water bodies. During the dry season, they sleep in rock crevices or live in hollow logs.

In captivity, White’s tree frogs are typically green or light turquoise, but they can be brown. In extreme cases, they can even change color, indicating that they are stressed or dehydrated. Usually, they can live for 15 to 20 years, but they’re more likely to live for five.

The White’s tree frog is a nocturnal frog that can reach a length of four inches and a width of three inches. While they can survive in captivity without access to water, they do need a place to lay eggs.

They Need a Large Water Dish

A large water dish is essential for keeping your frogs. Their habitats should be kept at a temperature of 72-76 degrees Fahrenheit, and you can keep them warm by using an under-tank heating pad or placing large rocks over the tank to absorb the heat. You can also use a low-wattage (15-watt) incandescent bulb or a ceramic heat bulb to provide additional heat.

If you are looking to provide your frog with a diet that’s free of chemicals, live crickets are a good choice. It’s best to gut-load the insects first. 

Gut-loading simply means placing feeder insects on an enriched diet for 24 hours. These insects will provide your frog with a higher quality diet. 

To make the process easier, you can buy a cricket-feeding supplement that is specifically made for frogs.

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They Can Become Obese Easily

The White’s Tree Frog is one of the largest species of tree frogs, reaching 4.5 inches from the tip of its snout to the base of its vent. 

These amphibians are generally emerald green or light blue-green in color, with a fatty ridge over each large bulbous eye. They are easy to keep in tanks as long as they are housed in groups of three or more. White’s Tree Frogs are easily handled and do not require UVB lighting or heating.

Insects are the main food source for White’s Tree Frogs, but they will occasionally eat crickets and earthworms if available. Their prey should be replaced every couple of days. 

Feeding these animals crickets at least once a day can help prevent obesity and reduce frog deaths if not treated. The arches above the eardrums of White’s Tree Frogs can tell you if the frog is underweight or obese, since these structures grow to cover the eye.

They Can Develop Health Problems in Captivity

While the lifespan of a White’s Tree Frog can reach 20 years under ideal conditions, it is more likely to reach only fifteen. They are not picky eaters and should be fed on a regular basis. 

The female frog can reach a size of five inches. Male White’s Tree Frogs can grow a black pad on their thumb during mating season. Once paired, males can grip the female for days or weeks. 

Females release their eggs with force. The fertilized eggs sink to the bottom and metamorphosis can take two to three weeks under ideal conditions.

Despite their attractive appearance, White’s Tree Frogs can have a number of health problems when kept in captivity. Their skin is prone to skin infections. Occasionally, they develop respiratory infections or other health problems. They may also experience digestive problems, especially if they have an unbalanced diet. 

Fortunately, a number of common health problems in White’s Tree Frogs can be avoided.

They Tolerate Some Level of Handling

Although most White’s Tree Frogs tolerate some handling level, some do not. While the frogs are not venomous, their skin is delicate and especially sensitive to chemicals. Always wash your hands thoroughly before handling any amphibian. 

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Handling a White Tree Frog is not an emergency procedure. However, you should handle your new pet with care. Here are some tips on how to handle a White Tree Frog.

Although White’s Tree Frogs are usually nocturnal, they do tolerate some level of handling. This is due to the skin toxins that are produced when they are in distress. 

They also produce milky secretions that help kill blowflies. Handling a dumped treefrog may cause nausea since the frog develops fat layers on top of its head. Excess weight can also compromise its health.

So, How Long Does a White’s Tree Frog Live?

The lifespan of a White’s Tree Frog can vary depending on a number of factors, such as diet, habitat, and predators. In the wild, White Tree Frogs typically live for between 6 and 8 years. However, White Tree Frogs in captivity have been known to live for up to 20 years

The diet of a White Tree Frog also plays a role in its lifespan. In the wild, these frogs eat a variety of insects, spiders, and other small invertebrates. 

Captive frogs, on the other hand, are typically fed a diet of pellets and live insects. This difference in diet likely contributes to the longer lifespan of captive White’s Tree Frogs. 

Similarly, habitat also impacts the lifespan of these frogs. Those that live in captivity are typically housed in enclosures that mimic their natural habitats as closely as possible. 

This includes providing appropriate hiding places, perches, and vegetation. Captive frogs that are not provided with these elements are more likely to experience stress, which can impact their health and shorten their lifespans. Finally, predators also play a role in the lifespan of White’s Tree Frogs. 

In the wild, these frogs are often preyed upon by snakes, birds, and large mammals. While captive frogs are unlikely to be hunted.

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