What do geckos like to eat

So you’ve got a gecko, but what do you feed them? Read on to learn about fruits, meats, and insects that geckos love! Fruits and vegetables are among the most common sources of protein, but there are also a few foods that geckos avoid altogether. Fortunately, there are plenty of safe fruits and vegetables for your gecko. Here’s a list of the best foods to feed your gecko.

reptiles are fun


While most fruits are safe for geckos, some fruits are toxic and shouldn’t be fed to the little reptile. Avoid giving your gecko fruit that contains high levels of citric acid, as it can harm its digestion and even cause kidney stones. Vegetables are also safe for geckos, as they contain plenty of vitamin C, iron, and protein. Fruits that geckos love include bananas, pineapples, peaches, and kiwi.

While apricots are nutritious for geckos, a high-fiber content may cause impaction problems in your pet. If you want to keep your geckos happy and healthy, mix apricots with other fruit varieties that are safe for your gecko. In addition, apricots are high in potassium, which inhibits calcium absorption in lizards. However, there are other fruits that geckos can eat, and these are listed below.

Strawberries and pears are safe for your crested gecko. They contain high vitamins A and C levels and can help keep its skin healthy. Pears also contain potassium, copper, calcium, and magnesium. These minerals play an important role in the health of your gecko’s bones. Pears are also high in fiber, so they can supplement their insect diet and prevent digestive problems. If you want to feed your gecko strawberries, make sure to offer other fruit to accompany them.

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If you are wondering what geckos eat, read on. They are mostly insectivores, but some also eat small amounts of meat. Leopard geckos eat pinkie mice, as well as a few other species. They have also been known to eat small pieces of bananas and mushy fruits. Regardless of what they eat, it is important to keep them hydrated.

When you feed your gecko live insects, keep in mind that some fruits and vegetables are toxic to reptiles. Citric acid, for example, can cause stomach irritation and kidney stones. Nonetheless, vegetables are good sources of fiber, protein, iron, and other nutrients. Repashy gel is also a safe alternative to live insects. It can be offered to your gecko using tweezers.

You should avoid giving your geckos specific types of foods, as this will only cause imbalance and deficiency in certain areas. But be sure to provide them with water, as they can go weeks without food and even days without water. So be sure to include fresh vegetables in your pet’s diet.

You may be surprised at how quickly geckos can survive without food! They’re tough little creatures, but they don’t need specific types of food.


Geckos are insectivores and can be fed almost any insect that moves. It will depend on its species, age, and level of activity to determine its feeding schedule. Live insects are the best option for feeding geckos. They do not like pre-packaged food and must be fed live insects.

Some species will also eat small rodents. Some types of geckos have specialized diets and will feed on a variety of foods.

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The diet of geckos is very similar to that of crickets, but they can eat smaller insects than their bodies. They will often snag bugs with their long tongue at night. 

Besides insects, geckos will also eat small mice and reptiles, and they will occasionally eat plant matter as well. Regardless of the species, geckos should be fed fruits and vegetables and crickets.

The main types of insects that geckos eat include crickets and mealworms. They can also eat silkworms, sowbugs, and beetles. Some species of geckos even eat commercial foods. You can also feed leopard geckos commercially prepared insects and crickets. These foods are safe and convenient for you pet and are a wonderful addition to any home.

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