Do Corn Snakes Smell? Tips To Remove The Smell

Corn snakes are notorious for having an unappealing aroma, one that is often likened to rotting corn. This smell is produced by bacteria and other microorganisms, which smell like unpleasant odors and are usually harmless. The problem arises when these microorganisms get trapped in your snake’s cloaca, the common opening for the digestive tract.

The reason for this is because the excrement of corn snakes does not have a scent, meaning that other snakes can detect it from a great distance away. So as soon as they enter your enclosure or come into contact with your pet snake, they will be able to find it easily.

Once pooped in, the bacteria start producing sulfur compounds which cause the smell and will keep doing so until they are cleaned out completely or the snake is euthanized and its intestines removed for cleaning purposes.

How to get rid of the smell of corn snakes

The way to get rid of the smell of corn snakes is to take them outside every day and clean out their cloaca. This will keep the bacteria from getting trapped in there until they are taken outside again. Another option is to spray your snake with a mixture of distilled water, vinegar, and hydrogen peroxide throughout its enclosure.

This will break down the sulfur compounds that have been created by the bacteria so it can be removed easily. If your snake has a skin infection or some sort of other skin irritation, you should consult a professional for more information about how to get rid of the smell.

Corn snakes are notorious for having an unappealing aroma, one that is often likened to rotting corn. The problem arises when these microorganisms get trapped in your snake’s cloaca (the common opening for the digestive tract) because they produce sulfur compounds which cause the smell and will keep doing so until they are cleaned out completely.
Spray your snake with a mixture of distilled water, vinegar, and hydrogen peroxide throughout its enclosure; this will break down the sulfur compounds that have been created by bacteria so it can be removed easily* Consult a professional if your snake has an infection or some type of other skin irritation

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Proper diet is key

A poor diet can cause your corn snake to create a stinky mess. It is important that your snake has a proper diet as well as an appropriate setup in its enclosure. You should use a pelleted or pellet-based diet for your snake and ensure it has the correct size of food. This will go a long way towards ensuring that your snake does not have any intestinal issues, which may lead to the smell from above.

You should also ensure that your snake’s enclosure is set up in the correct way so that it doesn’t produce any feces and it isn’t making contact with other snakes which may transmit the bacteria from one animal to another. Corn snakes are often kept in small enclosures, sometimes just 20 gallons or less, so you should ensure that you include hiding places for them as well as make sure their live foods are properly sealed and feeder mice are properly cleaned out.

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Don’t stress your snake

While it may be tempting to clean your snake out as soon as you notice the smell, this will only stress them out. If you want to avoid this, try to wait for a few days before cleaning it. This way your snake is not thinking about their excrement and will be more comfortable in their new surroundings.
If you do decide to clean your corn snake, use some of the following methods:

  • Place a drop of bleach solution in your snake’s water bowl daily
  • Place some paper towels in its enclosure or habitat, so that any excrement that falls off can dry up on them.
  • Take your snake outside for fresh air and light exercise every day as well
  • Avoid handling your snake when they are pooping so that they do not get scared

Clean your enclosure often

It is vital to maintain a healthy enclosure. Corn snakes need a clean environment, which means that you should do regular cleaning. You can avoid this problem by doing the following: -Remove substrate -Use corn cob mulch as a substrate -Change substrates every month or two -Don’t let your snake roam free in your enclosure -Do not use hay or wood chips for bedding material -Clean your enclosure at least once a week

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Keep your snake well-fed

For your snake to produce a less objectionable smell, it is recommended that you keep your pet well-fed. This will help prevent the bacteria from building up, so that they are not excreting them as much and producing the unpleasant odor. Corn snakes are omnivores, meaning that they eat both meat and plants.

So make sure to provide them with a diet which consists of both, while also providing plenty of water to offset the effects of their diet. You can also help reduce the smell by keeping your snake in a clean enclosure and giving it a bath every once in a while. The soap or shampoo used should be free of perfumes so that they do not produce an unpleasant scent themselves.

Get a UVB light for shedding seasons

One of the best ways to combat corn snake odor is by using a UVB light. This will help with shedding, but it is also helpful in eliminating the bacteria and their food source. UVB light bulbs are inexpensive and easy to find, so you should definitely consider getting one. It only takes about a week or two for your snake to start looking cleaner and smelling better.

It can take up to six months for an odor-causing bacteria colony to completely disappear from your enclosure if you use a UVB light. Be sure that when you clean out your snake’s enclosure, you clean out the entire area of food, feces, and other debris that could be harboring potential bacteria.

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These little snakes are known for their intense odors, which can make them difficult to keep in captivity. However, I hope the tips above help keep their odor down.

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